Monday, December 04, 2006


Today is my first day off...for a LONG time...and just waiting for Matt to arrive! That can be tedious. My first official day without caffeine--that is going well because I am not tired and I'm not having headaches or anything. Might go buy some ginger ale or something to ease my craving for soda though. I am so bored! I'm not bored now because I took Joey to a doctor appointment today and just finished getting back, eating and taking the dogs on a walk. I'm bored in advance for the next few weeks where I will have nothing to do but wait. Plus as of this moment we only have $80 in our checking, so I can't go do anything fun or buy that soda because we don't have the money! Even that is frustrating because we will be perfectly fine on money in about a week, it's just right now that sucks because they delayed Sean's GI Bill because of Thanksgiving so it won't come until the 5th instead of the 1st when it was supposed to come. Grr! I want to go Christmas shopping! We're actually rolling in the dough this month thanks to my commissioned income for two weeks this month, and Sean's income, plus disability pay, plus 40 hours of sick pay, plus my vacation is getting cashed out (because I didn't use it), so that's over 40 hours of vacation pay, plus Sean's GI bill, plus the money Joey gives us. But not now! Argh! Plus it's Christmas--presents and shipping and cards and postage...yick. Anyway, I have to go! Going to pick up Joey's prescriptions. Maybe my water will break on the way. I'll go over the speed bumps extra fast. That would be nice :-)

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