A sign, to prove I was here. See? See? I MUST have gone to take a picture of the SIGN!
It was pretty interesting to see all the old historic buildings. Some were replicas, but many were moved here from other parts of New England. This was one, a Quaker meeting-house.
That is just really gross. Ew.
Here's everyone playing Ye Olde Hasbro Checkers. Matt won!
Here's a beautiful circa-1800's garden. Things have sure changed...
A room!
And a Matthew!
They luckily had a Olde Playground, which Matt enjoyed. I love how no matter where you take kids, it's always going to be the genaric food and playgrounds they like best...of course he is too young to fake any interest in anything else. :-)
This looks like the other garden, but it's all herbs. This actually was pretty interesting because I got to find out what they used them all for. There is an astounding range of medicines hidden in there.
On the way out, Matt decided to tear the place down! But it didn't work. Sturbridge is here to stay!
On the way back we stopped here. It's exactly what it seems like from the sign. A family resturaunt centered around books. You get to take three home free! I took two, but they are in the car so I can't tell you the titles. One is "Bury Him Among Kings", but I don't remember the author.
All in all, I omitted a lot of boring (to you guys) pictures, but it was a really fun day! The next post may not be for a few days because we are heading off today to visit my grandparents! Grammy Dawn and Grammy Schafer. I will post later with many more pictures and adventures of "Matt Invades New England".
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