Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Matt's New Hair!

Argh that kid is so weird! If you don't remember, let me refresh your memory of how he was last time. He had to be held down and was screaming and thrashing for the entire cut. The time before that, he was an angel. And the first time, he was AWFUL. So, following the pattern, he was WONDERFUL today. He sat in the chair by himself and couldn't care less what was happening. The stylist got to take his time and make the haircut perfect. I guess this means next time he is going to be awful. Anyway, here are a couple pictures.

Here's Matt with Uncle Joey after his haircut.

Doesn't he look tough?

Okay well, that's enough posting for now. I will post tomorrow because IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! YAY!!!

1 comment:

The Mutant Penguin Herself said...

Grammy LOVES his new hair! He is getting so big! I feel like I am missing his whole life. He probably doesn't have a clue he has a grammy penguin. Hope to see him before he turns 2. And to see you!! Sorry I won't be around for your birthday but I will call you. I miss you so much!

Lots of love, Mom