Monday, January 07, 2008

"Tumbling" Down The Path To Toomanyanimals

So, we have a new member of the family! No, not another kid! I got a companion for Trumble, my current lizard (a house gecko). Here's Trumble:

(He's camera shy)

And here is Tumble, our new lizard, a green anole!

Isn't he so proud and handsome?

I wanted to name him Bumble, so we'd have Trumble and Bumble, but Sean really wanted to name him Tumble instead. So, since I have named all of our animals, I thought it was only fair he could name this one (even if I think my idea is much better).
And I also got a cool background for their terrarium:

Had to get a dinosaur background, you know, to keep them humble. To keep Trumble and Tumble humble...heh...heh...
Anyway! Nothing else going on! Matt is still teething and still completely weaned. I have to go now though because he is getting VERY bored watching me type and keeps putting "gifts" in my lap. An old computer mouse, a hanger, a camera case...oh and an outlet cover and just now: A spoon? Wow...
So, I'll post at ya later!!!

Oh yes, he really IS green, he changes colors. So I guess he is a Sometimes Green Anole.


Tipa said...

Cute :) Reminds me of ... gosh, what were the names of our old anoles? I remember the swift was Gollum...

Sean said...


Also his name is SO awesome you posted his name as Trouble, and kept asking me why I wanted to name him Trouble while the entire time I was saying TUMBLE! His name's awesomeness comes from the fact that I made you edit your blog post! HAH! Anyways I don't really care what name he is lol


Ally said...

They were named Oin and Gloin :-)