Wednesday, August 01, 2007


So, as you may or may not know, Matthew is just a little over 7 months old. You know, the age where they are barely learning to crawl well?
So imagine my surprise when I go into his room to check on him after he stopped cooing for a bit on the baby monitor (it was naptime), AND I SEE HIM STANDING IN HIS CRIB, LEANING OVER THE TOP BAR!
Um, oh my god! (Here is a pic I uploaded from my phone, sorry for the quality)

So I took him out, (after staring in shock for a bit and him laughing happily at himself), strip him down and right before my eyes I see him face the bar, get up on his knees, scoot forward, grab the bar, and put a foot out (to go into a kneeling position), and stand up again! He's an expert! Cute as it was, the bar was waist level and he could have easily tipped over and fell off, so I moved the mattress to its lowest position.
But still!
They aren't supposed to do that for at least another month! And not expertly!
So yes. Thought that was worth mentioning.
OH! And I took him to the park and put him in one of those infant bucket swings and he LOVED it! Was smiling and giggling up a storm! Guess we'll be going back.
Tomorrow I have to steam clean. Blah. Haven't done that for a LONG time! But it really, really needs to be done. Especially with crawly wonder here.
Ok. Matt just fell asleep for the night. So I am going to try to enjoy what I have left of the night before I fall asleep!
Oh, wow. AND Matt has been eating chunky 3rd foods! Mac and cheese, and today he had his first meat product ever. Really ever (was vegetarian throughout my entire pregnancy). He did well, no reactions. It was turkey, veggies and rice.
Ok. REALLY going now! Bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woot! Go, Matt!

Sorry I missed your call last night, Ally. Phone in purse, me no hearie.