Friday, May 23, 2008

Toddlers Are Wierd.

Today he woke up from him afternoon nap in an awful mood. Nothing would calm him down. Drugged him up, but still nothing. Still on an angry tirade. screaming, rolling around on the floor, hitting things (hitting himself which was actually sort of funny, because the pain really made him mad) ... (I know, I'm terrible). Etc, screaming like we were strangling him, the whole works.
Finally after about 10 minutes we decide to completely ignore him. Sean leaves the room. Matt stops crying in about 2 min (after screaming louder and throwing himself around more dramatically in an attempt to get my attention), takes a deep breath, grabs his sippy cup with milk, climbs up to the couch and snuggles with me, totally quiet. And gives me a kiss.
Oh and he was fine from then on.

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