Sunday, July 23, 2006


Okay, so this is the THIRD time I have tried to post this blog. The first time, I had a lot done, like a page's worth, and the power went out and I lost it all. Oh well, stuff happens. Then the power came back on, I logged back in, typed about half a page, and the power went out AGAIN! So, when it came back on again, the internet was seriously messed up, and has been out until now. It was a rain and thunder storm then, so since it's nice out now (relatively), this one should be ok. So, I don't really remember what I was going to say, because my husband looked over and just -now- realized I have a blog. sigh. Anyway, I know I was saying something about how it's strange that my knee is hurting a lot now, especially since I've lost weight. But Matthew is ok! He weighs in at a perfect 6 oz right now. I'm eating and doing everything right, I guess I'm just not one of those people that eats and immediatly gains weight. I'm sure that'll change after I give birth and my metobalism slows.

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