Here's Matt drinking some pomegranate Jamba Juice.
and more importantly, my phone. It worked for a while then completely went crazy and conked out. When I got home I managed (after cleaning it with rubbing alcohol) to get the contacts list off of it, but just barely. Luckily, I have phone insurance, and even luckier, they were out of stock for my "old" phone, the Katana II and so they are sending me a Katana Deluxe (the new super-awesome version). Yay! Unfortunately that means going without a phone for a couple days, but oh well.
Other than all that we had a good time. We hiked for a while,
Mai ran around off-leash having a total blast,
And when we were all done, Matt fell asleep cutely in the backseat.
So it was a balancing day. Woke up with incredible pain and a cheek that looked like part of a fatsuit, had fun at Simpson Park, broke my phone, found out I was getting a better one, and after that everything was normal.
Oh also, I am regretting to report that I think Matthew is starting to climb. Watch out!!!!
Well, goodnight everyone!
Matthew loves the park, and doesn't really like being carried around in the pack thing.
Maybe next time he can ride in a new toddler backpack (complete with leash!)
Wow these carriers are cool arn't they Ally?
Kelty Child Carrier v1.0
I hope it doesn't need an update patch to fix any bugs in v1.0... o_0
And check out this cool sun hood for all those hot sunny days in California! It works with the above carrier! Can we get one plzzz?
Kelty Sun Rain Hood
Sounds like overall a very good family day! Enjoy as many of those as you can get!
Check me out!
Ally, hope you are feeling better! My wisdom teeth extraction presented so many nice opportunities for chocolate shakes. I also ate some Gerber pureed bananas, and found out that they are really yummy! Baby food was so novel to me at the time -- probably not too novel to you... :)
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