What is wise about wisdom teeth? Not much! Unless their goal is to make me miserable. Then they are pretty wise. Pretty skilled too.
For the last couple days, my lower right wisdom tooth has been really, really hurting. The pain is so bad, I'M starting to use orajel and Tylenol. I now have a renewed appreciation for Matthew's situation.
I am going to the dentist tomorrow, then probably going to go see an oral surgeon to get at least that one removed, and probably the other bottom one too. I am going to try to convince them to remove the top two, but they may not since they are not even out yet and aren't an "emergency" like the one that's hurting. But it would be so nice if they would take them all out at once.
So needless to say, I'm eating a lot of yummy stuff because I am probably going to be on a soft food diet for a few days. Pizza, anyone?
Besides that not much is going on. I am taking two sick days, then I have my normal days off on Friday and Saturday, so I get a mini extremely painful vacation. Yay?
Going to go finish watching American Idol now. Yay?
Wish me luck, I'm nervous!!!!
Make Pretty Paper DIY Daffodils
17 hours ago
Good luck, and I just wanted to edit the comment, not delete it.
Don't be such a nervous Purvis! You'll be fine =)
lol... nervous Purvis... how about a Bawl-away Holloway? :)
Ally, they may well take all four of them. They don't want you to have to come back, but your oral surgeon will make that call, I guess. They took all mine at once.
You'll be fine, the pain will be gone, and you get to have all this cotton in your mouth! For like weeks!
Hope you feel better soon!
Let me know how it goes. Hopefully they'll take the all but you never know. I had all 4 of mine out at the same time (2 days after your uncle) but they did it in a hospital. Ugh. I do NOT wish that on you! Love, Mom
I had all four done at once. They knocked me out with an IV drip, which turned out to be fine. They inserted the needle, next I felt like I had a few gin and tonics in me, and then they were waking me up. No feeling of time passing or awareness of falling asleep.
No real pain to speak of, just discomfort and soreness. I rested most of the following day, and then saw a matinée of "Escape from New York" in the theaters.
Time off + guilty pleasures = fun
You absolutely will be fine.
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