Sunday, November 18, 2007

Still Walking!

Yep, he is still walking and getting better every day! He can walk across the room now, although he only does a few times a day. The point is, those first steps weren't a fluke! He is ready and willing to walk as soon as possible!
Yesterday we had a ton of fun! Since he is learning to walk, he is finally getting good use out of the toy my mom got him last time she was down. It's a car that transforms into a push-along thing for kids like Matt who are just gaining confidence to walk.
He told me he wanted to go outside by pathetically standing by the door and gazing out:

So we went outside, saw some tress, took some pictures and generally had a great time. Mostly, he played with his push-along toy. In fact, I have very cute video of him, BUT IT DOESN'T WANT ME TO UPLOAD IT GRRR!!! And I am tired, so I will try again tomorrow. Anyway, here are some cute other pictures.

Here's him having fun with the tree just outside our apartment:


And another tree near our apartment. He really liked the bark on this one. Woof woof!

And here's him playing with our neighbor's cat. He calls him "Ni Ni!" , I guess baby talk for Nino, our big queeny cat. He calls every cat Ni Ni. Very cute. Anyway, this is all I have time to post today, have to get up extra early tomorrow. But I don't care because I get wed, thurs, fri, and sat off in a row this week yay! And Dana is arriving tuesday morning! She wants to get a Tofurky for Thanksgiving but although I am sure it tastes fine, I looked it up and it already has stuffing in it! EWWW I hate stuffing so much! Oh well, guess I will be scooping that out! Anyway, I'll keep everyone updated on, you know, everything!


Sean said...


The Mutant Penguin Herself said...

I can hardly wait to have my chance to not only see Matt walk but have him walk towards me! Yippie! Just another month.

And maybe you should remind Sean he is ALWAYS first. Or at least tied with Matt.

Enjoy the time off! You get an extra day from me! And enjoy Dana being there! Tell her I said hello!

Love, Mom

Sticklebat said...

He is growing up so fast! He looks so cute standing by the trees. Enjoy your days off this week. I am enjoying mine...
Love ya,