Thursday, August 17, 2006

mostly done

Okay, so we're moved and pretty much settled in the new apartment. It rocks! It's so nice having, like, space! And the bills are going to be cheaper because it's much cooler and we won't have to use the a/c. I guess being in the top apartment really does make a difference because of the sun beating directly on the roof. It's also a lot easier on my knees (and Joey's because his are pretty much broken). So there's not too much more to unpack. I was delaying unpaking some because we needed a dresser, but now we have one and I had to unpack more. Plus the laundry is to the roof because the washer hose burst and flooded the laundry room soaking all the clothing. And we have yet another box full of books, and I've used up three bookcases so far with my books. . Typical Ally house! When everything is finally done it'll be really nice.
So, I noticed that Ebony, my older dog, was having trouble holding her bladder, but I didn't think anything of it. And I brought her to work a few days ago, and she peed on the floor, then went a few feet and peed blood. So, I was freaking out and one of the other grooming students suggested that it could be a UTI (urinary tract infection). So I scheduled the appointment with the vet, and she warned me that if Ebony pees blood that I need to take her to the emergency vet, but I don't have that kind of money so I just prayed she'd be ok until the appointment. I don't know how long that peeing blood thing has been going on because she has been going outside in the grass, and it's only because she did it on a white tile floor that I noticed it. It made sense, though, that she had an infection. After I began to watch her closely on walks I noticed she would squat for a long time before she peed, then she would lick herself down there (which I thought previously was just her being a gross dog, not thinking it could be becase she hurt.) And I noticed her peeing blood, then, the day before the vet visit she was also peeing pus. So they took a urine sample and instead of sending it to the lab, which would have been extremely expensive, my vet actually is a microbiologist and said she'd do it herself so I could get quicker results and it would be a lot cheaper. Apparantly the lab charges per organisam they find, even though most of them are junk that just needs to be sorted through. She said judging by what I told her and what she could feel of Ebony's bladder that it was most likely a UTI, bladder stones, or cancer (because of her age, which is about 10). I went back today because my kitten, Isis, had to get her shots, and I asked about Ebony's results. Luckily, it's not cancer, but it's something that may wind up costing more...because if she had cancer I would probably let her live out her days and give her lots of pain medication because I can't afford chemotherapy treatments that probably wouldn't work anyway. No, it's a staph infection, so the antibiotics they sent home should treat it, but they need to ultrasound her to see if there are bladder stones because usually staph infections are because of bladder stones. :-(. I told them I'd have to call back because I need to save up money for that, but it'll be ok. I love her so much and I think she has a long life ahead of her and I'm so, so happy it's not cancer. I'll be getting paid more because I'm full time now and getting a raise, plus I just found out I'm getting paid for my mileage so I'll be getting a nice 200-300 dollar check on top of my regular pay. Plus I'm getting about 1370 back on the old apartment, so I can build up my savings for when I take my maternity leave. I bought some Ensure Plus shakes meant to make you gain weight because I STILL haven't gained weight and by now I'm supposed to have gained about 13-14 lbs. And I'm getting skinnier in my arms and legs and I really have no fat stores left so I am going to start drinking one shake a day in addition to dinner. And of course I'll still eat my other meals.
Well, that's about it I guess, just been super busy with moving and grooming school and animals and all that. I'll post later!


The Mutant Penguin Herself said...

Daughter like mother. I never gained weight with you or your sister until about the 9th month. The doctor wasn't concerned because you were healthy. It's probably genetic. Don't worry. That last month or month and a half, you'll gain plenty. :)

Glad Ebony is gonna be ok. And that you're finally moved!

Ally said...

well, my tummy sure is getting huge, so I know he is doing okay in there. Not to mention he kicks all the time now. :-)