Wednesday, August 09, 2006

In The Airport

In the airport, waiting for the first flight on the way back to california! I can't wait! Turns out the new apartment is getting new carpet so we don't have to move until the 11th, which is good because I don't have to worry about helping tomorrow when I get back from grooming school and am extremely tired. Shawn the grooming school instructor wasn't there today so I am just going to show up at 7:00am tomorrow when grooming opens and wait around. So...I will land at 10:30pm, be done with airport stuff hopefully by 11:00, go get Brenda's car and be back at her apartment and my car by 11:45, and be home HOPEFULLY by 1:00, then wake up at 5:00 or 5:30 and leave at 6 to be at grooming school by 7. ugh. no sleep. Anyway, I am going to go, and I'll post again when I am not a zombie from time zone travel and busy schedules and pregnancy.

1 comment:

The Mutant Penguin Herself said...

I'm sure you had a wonderful time with the Holloways. I also know you're incredibly busy. Hope you got the package I sent (I wasn't going to tell you but I addressed it to the new apartment - hope it got there!). Email me or call if you ever have a free minute.

The Old Broad in the Hot North